1. Call 911
2. Remove device from packaging and place the tip in the nostril. Do not test spray beforehand!
3. Press button firmly.
4. Check breathing.
5. If they are not breathing: Provide CPR, if trained. Follow 911 directions over the phone.
6. If they are breathing: Move the person to their left side in the recovery position.
The hand supports the head, and the knee stops the body from rolling onto stomach.
7. If the person doesn’t respond in 2 minutes: Return to step 2 and give second dose. If the person still doesn’t respond, give additional Narcan, if available.
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Pima Helpline is a community-driven and community-made resource. We realize that everybody needs support for mental health, substance use, or addiction at some point in their life. We also know that looking for treatment can be confusing and scary.
We believe that it should be easy for Pima County residents to find help for mental health, substance use, and addiction. To achieve this, we created Pima Helpline as a centralized place to find mental health and addiction treatment, services, and support.
If something is not working on the website or you would like to leave some feedback about how we can improve it, please submit your comments on our feedback form!