End Stigma | Culturally-Specific Resources


Black, Indigenous, and People of Color face unique challenges when seeking help for mental health and addiction, leading to unfair health disparities that must be addressed.

In Pima County...

American Indian/Alaska Native individuals were 3.2x as likely to die of an overdose than White Non-Hispanic individuals.

Black/African American individuals were 1.7x as likely to die of an overdose than White Non-Hispanic individuals.

(Office of Vital Records, 2022)

Health Disparities: An unfair difference in health outcomes among socially disadvantaged people and communities.

 BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities are disproportionately impacted by health disparities, including in substance use, both nationally and locally in Pima County. Being aware of the challenges faced by BIPOC individuals is critical to start addressing health disparities through education and advocacy. There are many factors that influence substance use health disparities in BIPOC Communities including:
  • – Stigma
  • – Racial biases and negative stereotypes
  • – Generational and historical trauma
  • – Lack of health insurance or economic instability
  • – Policies and laws that have weakened minority communities
  • – Disproportionate criminalization of drug and alcohol use in BIPOC communities
It is incredibly important to highlight the unique factors that contribute to stigma faced by BIPOC communities and to recognize the historical traumas that continue to impact the health and well-being of the peoples living today. Historical Trauma is the collective experience of emotional and psychological harm towards communities and their descendants. Horrific acts, such as forced relocation, slavery, genocide, Indian boarding schools, and racially biased anti-drug policies have created lasting impacts on BIPOC people in the United States, which all have increased the risk factors of substance use and mental health disorders.


  Racial and ethnic minority groups experience similar mental health conditions like white communities, but are far less likely to receive mental health and substance use treatment services. There are many reasons why BIPOC individuals may have more challenges when seeking help for mental health or substance use treatment services, including:
  • – Addiction and mental health issues are ignored or not addressed, because of cultural perception
  • – Feeling unheard and unseen by health care professionals
  • – Lack of cultural understanding by health care professionals
  • – Mistrust in healthcare or governmental facilities
  • – Cultural differences in how symptoms are discussed and presented
  • – Feeling shame or hopelessness from negative stereotypes about race, mental illness, and/or substance use
Now is the time to address health disparities in BIPOC communities. Whether you are talking with your family or loved ones about mental health and substance use or advocating for equitable drug policies, everyone can play a role to end stigma.